About Us


My name is Nathali Romero Russell, and I was born and grew up in Guayaquil, Ecuador where my family still resides. While living in Ecuador, I graduated from the University of Guayaquil with a degree in hospitality and tourism. After working in the hospitality industry in the United States for several years, I achieved a dream of mine, earning an MBA degree.

Shortly after graduating, I began to notice that my love for sustainable fashion was becoming contagious. Whenever I carried one of the straw handbags I had acquired during visits to Ecuador, women would admire the natural beauty and ask me where they could purchase one. My thoughts went to the hard-working women who crafted these handbags in a small coastal town I had visited on holiday as a young girl. Immediately aware that I could bridge a gap between producers and consumers while helping to preserve an important cultural tradition, I traveled to Ecuador in search of that community of women weavers with the hope of building a mutually beneficial relationship. Together those artisans and I now design, create and offer to you our skillfully crafted handbags and accessories.


All of our accessories are handmade using the plaited leaves of the Carludovica palmata plant known locally in Ecuador as “toquilla”. Magdalena is dedicated to a movement away from plastics and other manufactured components to environmentally friendly natural materials.



At Magdalena, it is our mission to empower our partner Ecuadorian community of women artisans with support and compensation that value their craft. It is our vision that success and satisfaction will be enjoyed by everyone involved in the production and purchase of our quality natural fashion accessories.



Appreciation of cultural heritage manifested in the traditional weaving of the Ecuadorian toquilla straw as recognized by Unesco 2012.

Inclusion of the Ecuadorian craftswomen as partners in our business enterprise.

Sustainability of the native toquilla plant and the ancient Ecuadorian craft of weaving using its leaves.



To focus on microenterprise and support local Ecuadorian economic development.

To impact the environment positively

To provide hand-woven products inspired by nature

To lift up and empower the women who craft our products